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100-490 Maryland Street

Winnipeg, Manitoba

R3G 1M5



Hurt people Hurt People but Healed people Heal people.


Geoffery’s Garden is a reunification home.  We are a not-for-profit, registered Indigenous charity, dedicated to healing families and reuniting children with their parents. Without warning or any explanation, funding for our parents and their children has stopped. Geoffery’s Garden is in dire need of your financial support to keep our program operating.


Every child is worthy of a healthy family free from violence, abuse and addiction.


For decades children have been displaced and moved around from home to home, shelter to shelter, group home to group home. For decades upon decades our children have felt unsafe, unloved, abandoned and alone... Today those children are the parents that walk through the doors of Geoffery’s Garden, lost, disconnected, and hurting. 


Although the circumstances of our childhood are not our fault, as parents our unhealed hurts and traumas get passed down to our children.  I know all this to be true, I was one of those children and was one of those parents.


My mother was a survivor of Day School. She suffered from the disease of alcoholism. As did my father and sister. A few years after my mother's passing when I was 8 years old, I was placed in the care of Child and Family Services (CFS). My father was eventually sentenced to 16 years in prison for the things he did to me. After being sent from foster home to foster home and living in several group homes, I decided to have a child of my own at the age of 17. I was desperate to love and be loved.  By the time I was 25 years old I had survived two violent relationships, and had 4 children, one being Geoffery who lives in the Spirit world.


I understand hurt. I understand the feelings of being unsafe, abandoned and alone.  I understand loving your children and unintentionally hurting them.


Six years ago, I had a vision of a place where families could come to heal. In 2020, that vision became a reality when Geoffery’s Garden opened its doors. We are passionate about ending generational traumas and bringing forth generational healing.


Since opening, we have reunited 17 parents with their children.  In total, forty-four children have been removed from CFS care. We are currently working with seven families and have ten more on our waiting list.


Manitoba has over 11,000 children in the care of CFS, more than any other province. 90% of those children are Indigenous. The average cost of a child in care is over $56,000 per year. By helping to reunite families, Geoffery’s Garden has already saved taxpayers over $7,336,000. These savings will increase by $2,464,000 next year and every year thereafter.


Since 2021, the funding necessary to run Geoffery’s Garden has come from Jordan’s Principle – the Federal government’s program to ensure that First Nations children receive the products, services and supports they need, when they need them.


Without warning or any explanation, Jordan’s Principle has stopped approving funding for our parents and their children to receive the help they need.


Without the financial support of Jordan’s Principle, Geoffery’s Garden is in trouble.  Geoffery’s Garden needs your financial support to keep our program operating.


At Geoffery’s Garden, we aim to provide the spiritual foundation and practical tools the parents and their children need to heal. This is done in a holistic way that focuses on spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional healing, guided by our trained staff and featured programming. We facilitate making strong family connections between the parents in the program and their children.  


Some of the reasons Geoffery’s Garden has had such great success is because not only do we do all things with great Love, but we also believe in incorporating culture, finding our identity, and bringing spirit into our programming. At Geoffery's Garden we offer many traditional spiritual opportunities and access to Ceremonies. In addition, our programming includes addictions counselling, parenting programs, one-on-one mentorship, dialectical behavioral therapy, and many others.


At Geoffery’s Garden, families are healing. But without the necessary funds, our doors will be forced to close. The families we are currently helping may be torn apart once again and the daily calls we receive from others looking for help will go unanswered. Every child matters – and every child and their families deserve the support needed to thrive in an environment of healing and connection to their identity, culture, and Ceremonies.


Please join me in our mission to end the cycle of generational trauma and addiction. Join me as we reunite families. Join me in continuing Geoffery’s legacy.


Please support Geoffery’s Garden.


Donate today by e-transferring Due to the Canada Post strike, please contact us to donate via cheque. A charitable tax receipt will be issued to those who donate*.


Donate online at:




Geoffery’s Mom



*Charities Registration No. 842320806 RR 0001 – Tax Receipts issued using legal registration name 6165568 Manitoba Association Inc.


A Healing Home for parents on a journey of recovery from addiction and trauma.


To accelerate the reunification of children to their parents.


Healed People,

Heal People.



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